Here's how to boost employee vitality

Jochem Reintjes
Business travel

The numbers and cost of absenteeism

It has been widely researched, by TNO, CBS and the Ministry of SWZ, workers today can use all the support they can get:

  • 20% of those surveyed experience burnout symptoms

  • 58% of those surveyed have been absent from work in the past year

  • Only 52% of 15 to 24-year-olds feel strong and fit (compared to 65% between 55-64 years old)

  • Only 52% of 15 to 24-year-olds are enthusiastic about their jobs (compared to 65% between 55-64 years of age

And so it's all hands on deck in HR-land, because the employees are not there for the taking. Or, more humanely put: you want you and your colleagues to stay comfortable in your own skin. After all: more vital employees are more productive, more motivated, more engaged. And are less likely to absent themselves or leave.

In addition, absenteeism is the well-known significant cost item that you want to keep as low as possible. The cost of absenteeism is estimated at € 250 - € 400 per day**.

How do you boost vitality with transport?

In addition to all kinds of initiatives, transportation is now increasingly at the center of interest for HR specialists. Which transportation is the best choice when it comes to vitality and sustainability? How do you organize the different types of transportation in a simple and cost-friendly way? Zooming in on the employee: when offering transportation, how do you capitalize on the fact that one day is not the other? It may be raining or there is a home work day or a business appointment away from the office.

'Every advantage has its disadvantage'

It's not black and white. Every mode of transportation has pluses and minuses. Where one person relaxes from a car ride or a short train ride, another prefers to jump on a bike at the start of the day. The choice of transportation depends on the person, their situation and even the day. Moreover, employees more often work partly at home and partly in the office. All this makes the call for flexible business travel stronger.

Why employers choose flexible travel

Employers like to offer employees every choice, as long as it's not too complex, time-consuming and costly. After all, this freedom of choice translates directly into higher employee satisfaction and higher physical and/or mental vitality. A flexible mobility policy is even increasingly used as a tool to reduce absenteeism.

They achieve this with the hybrid transport model: in which the employee can choose how he or she goes out every day. Or stay at home.

Simple to organize, costs under control

Bike one day, car the next? Even switching on the same day? That seems impossible to organize and administer. Yet it can be done, because with glimble in business Flexible travel is arranged quickly, well and at low cost. The power lies in the innovative glimble travel app, recently developed from the knowledge and expertise of carrier Arriva (but suitable for travel with all public transport operators in the Netherlands). The app allows employees flexible business travel by public transport. But also home work and car and bike miles are covered.

The power of glimble in business

Glimble in business combines the free travel app with a clear portal. With this, employees and employers can immediately go in all directions (plug and play).

  • The app gives employees access to public transport for their business trips and only charges for what is actually traveled.

  • The portal gives simple support to a car or home working day. And more.

The employer simplifies their own administration significantly. No more travel expense claims, no more card requests, a grip on costs and sustainable and vital travel. These are some of the advantages of flexible travel with glimble in business. Similarly, all the reporting required from the Environmental Act is also simply arranged.

Plug & Play - it doesn't get more flexible than this.

Glimble in business is also very flexible itself: every month you can adjust the number of employees participating. So you can try out glimble Business with colleagues quite easily. You don't need your own systems - everything with the app and portal of glimble.

Also encourage more vital travel?

That too is possible with glimble in business. You then opt for the vital solution. At no extra cost, it's a variant you choose if that suits your organization. Ask about the possibilities. Or schedule a demo in which we take the time for you to demonstrate glimble. We'll be happy to tell you more.

Written by Jochem Reintjes

Jochem is sales manager Business Mobility at glimble. He helps organizations of all sizes to realize flexible mobility without complicated procedures or high costs. With energy and a positive attitude, he likes to come up with logical, practical solutions that will help you move forward immediately.

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