Trips in Gulpen

With glimble you can easily plan and book your trip by bus to Gulpen. Enjoy the rolling hills, scenic landscapes and picturesque villages.

All about your bus trip to Gulpen

Bus lines

Gulpen has no train station, but it is very easy to reach by bus from other places in South Limburg. You can then get off in the center of the village, at the stop 'Markt'.

This is how you buy a public transport ticket for your journey from Valkenburg to Maastricht.

This is how to buy a public transport ticket

  • Download travel app glimble from the store

  • Plan your trip in the app and click on 'Buy tickets'

  • Your public transport ticket with QR code is directly in the app. Use the QR code during a check and to open a gate at the station

  • Travelling with 2 or more people? Then get a 10% discount with a group ticket

  • Discover the easiest way to travel in Limburg: swiping. Try now and buy a €15 day ticket for only €10!

By public transport to and from Gulpen

The bus from Valkenburg to Gulpen

From Valkenburg you are in Gulpen in no time! Take bus 54 and after 20 minutes you get off in the center of Gulpen, at the stop 'Markt'. A bus ticket costs €3,- per person one way.

The bus from Maastricht to Gulpen

Bus line 350 will take you from Maastricht directly to Gulpen. Get on at the station in Maastricht and get off again in Gulpen after about half an hour. Your bus ticket costs €4.28 per person one way.

The bus from Gulpen to Aachen

From Gulpen you also travel to Aachen with bus 350. The bus leaves every 15 minutes and within half an hour you are in the center of the German city of Aachen. A ticket will cost you €4.30 per person one way.

TIP: Advantageous travel with a day ticket in Limburg

Advantageous travel to and from Gulpen or other places in Limburg? Buy a day pass and swipe a day of unlimited in and out of all Arriva trains in Limburg for only €10. Buy my day ticket >

Top trips in Gulpen


Gulpener beer walk

Who says Gulpen, says beer. But this walk is fun for everyone. In nine kilometers you walk through the Gulp Valley past Castle Neubourg, Pesaken, Reijmerstok and Everum. Along the way you are treated to beautiful views, orchards and the hop fields.


Gulpen Brouwlokaal

For those who do like beer, a visit to the Gulpener Brouwlokaal is of course a must. Discover the history of this Limburg beer during a guided tour and finish with a snack and a drink. Special feature: all the ingredients in the eatery come from a 40 kilometer radius around the brewery.

Trips in Gulpen with glimble

Download free travel app glimble. Buy public transport tickets, including for your fellow travellers.